Council rules


  1. Council shall be the highest decision-making body of the ScoutLink network.
  2. Voting member of Council shall be:
    • All Country/Regional Coordinators
    • All Team Coordinators
  3. Development Coordinators are expected to attend council meetings as non-voting members.
  4. Council shall elect form its membership a Chairperson and a Secretary each year.
  5. The Chairperson shall be repsonsible for:
    • Leading Council meetings, including chairing discussion and administering votes
    • Representing ScoutLink to external organisations including the World Scouting and Guiding Organisations (WOSM).
  6. The Secretary shall be responsible for:
    • Writing Council meeting agendas
    • Writing Council meeting minutes, a meeting report, and saving the meeting conversation log
    • Communicating meeting agendas and reports to users
    • Writing letters on behalf of ScoutLink as requested by Council
    • Leading Council meetings in the absence of the Chairperson
  7. The Chairperson and Secretary may delegate any of their responsibilities as required.
  8. Coucil member shall submit agenda items to the Secretary at least one week before each meeting.
  9. Meeting agendas should be communicated to users at least two days before Council meetings.
  10. Meeting reports should be communicated to users no later than one week after Council meetings.
  11. Council meetings shall be held at least once per month.
  12. Additional meetings may be called by at least four Council members requesting a meeting via the Secretary.
  13. A Council meeting is quorate if at least half of all voting members are present. A meeting not being quorate does not stop discussion taking place.
  14. Council may pass motions and make decisions at meetings. The following rules apply:
    • The meeting must be quorate.
    • Voting Council members can choose to vote in favour, against, or abstain. For a decision/motion to pass, the number of votes in favour of the motion must exceed the number of votes against the motion.
  15. Council may pass motions and make decisions via email. The following rules apply:
    • Voting shall be open for a length of time specified by the Chairperson.
    • At least half of all voting members must vote.
    • Voting Council members can choose to vote in favour, against, or abstain. For a decision to pass, the number of votes in favour of the motion must exceed the number of votes against the motion.

Voting on Discourse

Any council member can initiate a vote. The vote must be seconded by another council member. If after 7 days the vote reaches quoracy, votes are counted and the decision declared. If after 7 days then there haven’t been sufficient votes and there are no no votes, the voting continues for another 7 days. If after the total 14 with no objections, it passes.


Guidance note: This is a template for all elections. The terms ‘Returning Officer’, ‘Electoral Lists’, and ‘Election Organisers’ are defined for each individual election in Section 4 – Teams and Coordinators.


  1. Elections shall be held before the current position holder completes their term of office, or as soon as is possible thereafter.
  2. Elections shall not be organised during national school holidays and any public or religious holidays shall be excluded from the time periods mentioned in this clause.

Notification of election

  1. Electoral Lists shall only include users registered with NickServ
  2. A notification of election shall be sent by the Election Organisers to the Electoral List stating:
  3. a) The fact that an election has been called and stating the position being elected
    b) The Electoral List of members
    c) The Eligibility criteria candidates must meet at the time of the election
    d) The right of members to nominate one or more members from the Electoral List for the position
    e) The names and email addresses of the Returning Officer and the Election Organisers
    f) That nominations must be received within 14 days of the notification of election


  1. The Election Organisers shall draw up a list of nominated candidates who meet the Eligibility criteria and indicate their intention to stand in the election. This list shall be verified by the Returning Officer.

Conduct and voting

  1. In the case of only one candidate, no election shall be held and they shall be considered duly elected.
  2. The Election Organisers shall post a list of candidates to the regular users on the Electoral List requiring them to vote for the candidate of their choice within 14 days.
  3. Where a vote is cast for more than one candidate, or for a candidate not named on the candidates list, said vote shall be considered as an abstention.
  4. The Elections Organisers shall record all votes cast in a log, including abstentions.
  5. After all votes have been cast or at the end of the voting period the Elections Organisers shall report to the Returning Officer the total number of votes cast, the number of abstentions, and the number of votes cast for each candidate.
  6. The Returning Officer shall notify the Electoral List and the Council mailing list of the result of the election, naming the elected person
  7. In the case of a tied vote, a second election round shall be held naming only the two tied candidates as candidates for whom a vote can be cast.
  8. If the second round ends in a tie, the Returning Officer shall draw lots as to which candidate becomes elected.

Confirmation by Council

  1. Council shall confirm the election result at its next available meeting.
  2. Council may withhold the appointment for up to 13 weeks in the case of serious doubts over the elected member’s Eligibility, or in the case that serious questions have arisen regarding the election procedure.
  3. If Council withholds the appointment, the election shall be investigated by a panel consisting of three Council members not having been involved in the election. The panel shall advise Council either to confirm the appointment or to nullify the election. A decision to nullify an election requires a three-quarter majority of Council members present.


  1. Candidates must:
  2. a) Demonstrate membership of a national Scouting or Guiding Association
    b) Be registered with NickServ for at least 3 months at the time the Electoral List is determined. There is no age restriction on candidates, unless specified in the relevant rules under ‘Section 3 – Teams and Coordinators’.
  3. Voters must:
  4. a) Be registered with NickServ for at least 3 months at the time the Electoral List is determined. There is no age restriction on voters.

Countries and regions

  1. Users representing a specific country or geographical region, can apply to Council for recognition of a specific country or region by ScoutLink.
  2. Application for recognition of countries and regions by ScoutLink shall be made to Council in writing and be supported by:
    • At least 10 users; or
    • At least 5 users if the request is supported in writing by at least one of the national Scout or Guide Associations of a country; or
    • At least 5 users if the request is supported in writing by at least two national Scout or Guide Associations from different countries making up a geographical region.
  3. Council will decide on the application within two months of receiving it. The following consideration shall be made when deciding on the application:
    • Whether an existing ScoutLink country/region already provides sufficient coverage;
    • Whether the recognition of the proposed country or region will contribute to furthering the aims of ScoutLink;
    • Whether the applying will be able to manage an allocated channel in accordance with this document;
    • Whether participants from the proposed country or region have been active during the previous JOTI in ScoutLink.
  4. Council will communicate one of the following outcomes to the applying users or their representative, along with reasons for the decision:
    • Withold recognition;
    • Postpone recognition;
    • Recognise the proposed country or region.
  5. In case of a postponed recognition, the applying shall be allowed the use of a temporary channel. Council shall then reconsider the application within 6 months and either withhold recognition or recognise the proposed country or region.
  6. In case of recognition by Council, the applying users shall be informed of the process of electing a Country/Regional Coordinator.


All Team Coordinators

Appointment of Team Coordinators

  1. a. All Team Coordinators (and their deputies) must be a minimum of 18 years old.
    1. b. Initially the appointment of Team Coordinators (except Country/Regional Coordinators) will be for a temporary period of between 13 weeks and 26 weeks. After this period a review shall be held involving the candidate and Council. If all parties are satisfied the candidate can perform as required, the candidate shall be given full operational status. If the candidate is not performing their duties as required, a new appointment shall be made.

Performance review and reappointment

  1. There shall be regular reviews by Council of the Team Coordinator’s performance.
  2. In the case of underperformance of the Team Coordinator, Council may set a review period in which clear improvements must be made

Removal from office

  1. Council may terminate Team Coordinator appointments in the event of any of the following:
  2. a) The Team Coordinator failing to make clear improvements within a review period
    b) The Team Coordinator being inactive for a period of 90 days or more without informing the Council Chair
    c) Any other reason as decided by Council which results in a vote to remove the Team Coordinator from office
  3. A Team Coordinator may resign with immediate effect by notifying the Council Secretary
  4. In the case of resignation of removal from office, Council shall call an election at the earliest opportunity
  5. Council may suspend a Team Coordinator until such a time that a vote is taken on their removal from office.

Leave of absence

  1. A Team Coordinator may request leave of absence for no longer than 26 consecutive weeks via Council
  2. If leave of absence is granted, Council and the Team Coordinator shall agree a member to fulfil the Coordinator role during their absence

All Team Members

Appointment of team members

  1. Team Member appointments shall last for 3 years.
  2. In the event of a Team Coordinator’s appointment ending, that Team Coordinator and their Team Members will remain in post until a new Coordinator is appointed/approved by Council.
  3. All appointed and elected Team Members shall fulfil the Eligibility as specified in the Elections Section
  4. The Team Coordinator is responsible for determining the number of Team Members required and for organising appointment of Team Members.
  5. Team Coordinators should inform Council of all Team Member appointments.
  6. Initially the appointment of Team Members will be for a temporary period of between 13 weeks and 26 weeks. After this period a review shall be held involving the candidate and the Team Coordinator. If all parties are satisfied the candidate can perform as required, the candidate shall be given full operational status. If the candidate is not performing their duties as required, a new appointment shall be made.

Performance review and reappointment

  1. Before the end of the three year period a review of the Team Member’s term will be made by the Team Coordinator in consideration with the other Team Members. If the Team Coordinator and Team Member agree the appointment may be renewed.
  2. There shall be regular reviews by the Team Coordinator of the Team Member’s performance.
  3. In the case of underperformance of the Team Member, the Team Coordinator may set a review period in which clear improvements must be made

Removal from office

  1. Council may terminate Team Member appointments in the event of any of the following:
  2. a) The Team Member failing to make clear improvements within a review period
    b) The Team Member being inactive for a period of 90 days or more without informing their Team Coordinator
    c) Any other reason as decided by Council which results in a vote to remove the Team Member from office
  3. A Team Member may resign with immediate effect by notifying their Team Coordinator.
  4. In the case of resignation or removal from office, the Team Coordinator may appoint a new Team Member for the remainder of the leaving member’s term of office
  5. The Team Coordinator may suspend a Team Member until such a time that a vote is taken on their removal from office

Leave of absence

  1. A Team Member may request leave of absence for no longer than 26 consecutive weeks via their Team Coordinators
  2. If leave of absence is granted, the HATT Coordinator shall consult HATT and appoint a member to fulfil the Team Member’s role during their absence

HaTT – Help and Trainer Team

HaTT Responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The HATT shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Helping users get the best out of ScoutLink
    b) Help users resolve IRC program problems
    c) Help out in the HATT channel whenever possible
    d) Tutor users in rules and best practices
    e) Give help and advice to users during JOTI and Thinking Day events
    f) Maintain, write, and review training modules
    g) Train Ops at all levels, whether temporary or otherwise
  3. The HaTT shall have the following authority:
  4. a) Give ops to users in the #opscourse channel for training purposes
    b) Remove these ops after the users have been trained
    c) ‘Helper’ access on the ScoutLink network

HaTT Coordinator Responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The HaTT Coordinator shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Making sure all HATT members are effectively fulfilling their duties
    b) Producing manuals with the help of the HATT for the training of all ops
    c) Organising team meetings and ensuring sure the HATT is running to the best of their ability
    d) Playing an active and equal role as a HATT member
  3. The HATT Coordinator shall have the following authority:
  4. a) IRCop access level within the ScoutLink network

Term length and elections

  1. The HATT Coordinator appointment shall last for 3 years.
  2. The election for HATT Coordinator shall be conducted as outlined in the Elections Section where:
  3. a) The Council Chair is the Returning Officer
    b) The Council Chair appoints a Country/Regional Coordinator as the Election Organiser
    c) The Electoral List is the current list of Helper and Trainer Team members that are registered on Nickserv.

Tech Team

Tech Team Responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The Tech Team shall be responsible for:
  2. a) The smooth running of the ScoutLink Network under the supervision and leadership of the Tech Team Coordinator.
    b) Server maintenance
    c) O-line maintenance
    d) Mailing list maintenance except Council mailing list
    e) Implementation of council regulations where technology allows
    f) Upgrading and maintenance ircd and services
    g) Advising Council on various paths to take in technical security and features
    h) Giving specialist advice to the Tech Team Coordinator on network and technical matters.
  3. Tech Team Members shall have the following authority:
  4. a) Remove and ban (g-line) troublesome users from the ScoutLink network. An e-mail must be sent to the Tech Team with details whenever a g-line is set.
    b) Create and remove temporary channels
    c) Disconnect (permanently if they feel necessary) bots or anything they perceive to be a possible threat to the network. Council must be informed of any permanent disconnections.
    d) All Tech Team Members managing the ircd have full access on the network. Other Tech Team Members have whatever rights they need for their role as the Tech Team Coordinator.

Tech Team Coordinator Responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The Tech Team Coordinator shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Making sure all Tech Team members are effectively fulfilling their duties
    b) Making sure the ScoutLink Network is running smoothly
    c) Liaising with the Bot Team Coordinator
    d) Keeping in touch with Council and reporting on how things are running
    e) Taking decisions with and on advice of members of the Tech Team, on the running of the network, taking into account specialist knowledge of individuals
    f) Organising team meetings and make sure the Tech Team is running to the best of their ability
    g) Oversee problem shooting and the running of the network
  3. The Tech Team Coordinator shall have the following authority:
  4. a) Remove and ban (g-line) troublesome users from the ScoutLink network. An e-mail must be sent to the Tech Team with details whenever a g-line is set
    b) Create and remove temporary channels when needed
    c) In case of network emergency (technical based) do whatever is needed to get the network stable again (with agreement from the online Tech Team members that the method used is the best way to correct the problem)
    d) Authorise bots, both those made by the Bot Team and other requests for bots on the network

Term length and elections

  1. The Tech Team Coordinator appointment shall last for 3 years.
  2. The election for Tech Team Coordinator shall be conducted as outlined in the Elections Section where:
  3. a) The Council Chair is the Returning Officer
    b) The Council Chair appoints a Country/Regional Coordinator as the Election Organiser
    c) The Electoral List is the list of current TechTeam Members that are registered on nickserv.

Bot Team

Bot Team responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The Bot Team shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Research and development of bots for JOTI and Thinking day, and in channels as needed
    b) Upgrades of bot software as needed
  3. The Bot Team shall have the following authority:

Bot Team Coordinator Responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The Bot Team Coordinator shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Making sure all Bot Team members are effectively fulfilling their duties
    b) Organising team meetings and make sure the Bot Team is running to the best of their ability
    c) Overseeing research and development of bots for JOTI and Thinking Day
    d) Overseeing upgrades of bot software as needed
    e) Liaisng with JOTI Cordinators and Tech Team Coordinator
  3. The Bot Team Coordinator shall have the following authority:
  4. a) IRCop access level within the ScoutLink network
    b) Register and introduce bots to the network

Term length and elections

  1. The Bot Team Coordinator appointment shall last for 3 years.
  2. The election for Bot Team Coordinator shall be conducted as outlined in the Elections Section where:
  3. a) The Council Chair is the Returning Officer
    b) The Council Chair appoints a Country/Regional Coordinator as the Election Organiser
    c) The Electoral List is the list of current Bot Team members that are registered on Nickserv

Web and Media Team

Web and Media Team responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The Web Team shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Design and maintenance of web pages
    b) Keeping design and information current, relevant, and up to date
  3. The Web Team shall have the following authority:

Web and Media Team appointment of members

  1. Ideally there should be at least one Web Team Member per language, or at least someone who is willing to provide translations on a regular basis for each language of the website.

Web Team Coordinator Responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The Web Team Coordinator shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Making sure all Web Team members are effectively fulfilling their duties
    b) Ensuring the website is accurate and has good quality content
    c) Organising team meetings and make sure the Web Team is running to the best of their ability

Term length and elections

  1. The Web Team Coordinator appointment shall last for 3 years.
  2. The election for Web Team Coordinator shall be conducted as outlined in the Elections Section where:
  3. a) The Council Chair is the Returning Officer
    b) The Council Chair appoints a Country/Regional Coordinator as the Election Organiser
    c) The Electoral List is the list of current Web Team Members that are registered on nickserv.

Minecraft Team

Minecraft Team responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The Minecraft Team shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Designing, maintaining and technical aspects of the minecraft server.
    b) Recruiting players to Minecraft

Minecraft Team appointment of members

  1. The Minecraft Coordinator is responsible for appointing appropriate team members.

Minecraft Team Coordinator Responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. The Minecraft Team Coordinator shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Ensuring the minecraft server is kept up to date
    b) Managing team members
    c) Organising team meetings

Term length and elections

  1. The Minecraft Team Coordinator appointment shall last for 3 years.
  2. The election for Minecraft Team Coordinator shall be conducted as outlined in the Elections Section where:
  3. a) The Council Chair is the Returning Officer
    b) The Council Chair appoints a Country/Regional Coordinator as the Election Organiser
    c) The Electoral List is the list of current Minecraft Team Members that are registered on nickserv.


Country/Regional Coordinators

  1. For documentation purposes, Country/Regional Coordinators (CC/RCs) shall be viewed as Team Coordinators, and IRC Operators (IRCops)/Channel Operators (ChanOps) their Team Members.

CC/RC responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. CC/RCs shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Representing the interests of the country/region to Council
    b) Promoting ScoutLink to the country/region’s national Scouting and Guiding Associations
    c) Organising and leading a country/regional team
    d) Maintaining a close relationship with users of the country/regional channel
    e) Appointing a Deputy Country/Regional Coordinator and delegating responsibilities as required.
  3. CC/RCs shall have the following authority:
  4. a) Grant Channel Operator status to users in their country/regional channel
    b) Appoint IRC Operators subject to SECTION
    c) Represent ScoutLink at a national level in their Country/Region

CC/RC Term length and elections

  1. CC/RC appointments shall last for 3 years.
  2. The election for CC/RCs shall be conducted as outlined in the Elections Section where:
  3. a) The Returning Officer shall be appointed by Council. They must not be affiliated with the country or region concerned.
    b) The Election Organiser shall be appointed by Council. They must not be affiliated with the country or region concerned, and should not be from the same country/region as the Returning Officer.
    c) The Electoral List is the list of country/regional mailing list subscribers
    d) There is no Trial Period
    e) In the absence of nominations or of suitable candidates, Council shall appoint an interim Country/Regional Coordinator, who shall investigate the need to maintain recognition of the country/region and report back to Council within 6 months. Based on this report Council shall decide on recognition in accordance with the ‘Countries and Regions’ Section.
    f) Candidates for CC/RC shall be of legal voting age in their country of residence
    g) RCs can be elected by Council if their region contains less than 10 registered users.

CC/RC Removal from office

  1. In the case of resignation of removal from office, Council shall call an election at the earliest opportunity and appoint a Council member as an interim CC/RC until said election has taken place and been confirmed by Council

CC/RC End of term of office

  1. CC/RCs completing a term of office and not standing for a further term of office shall be considered for a new position within ScoutLink at the next Council meeting in recognition of their contribution and value to ScoutLink
  2. Council shall be obliged to consider a new position for the retiring CC/RC, however shall not be obliged to offer a new position.

Development Coordinators

  1. For documentation purposes, Development Coordinators (DCs) shall be viewed as Team Coordinators, and IRC Operators (IRCops)/Channel Operators (ChanOps) their Team Members.

DC responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. DCs shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Representing the interests of the country to Council
    b) Promoting ScoutLink to the country/region’s national Scouting and Guiding Associations
    c) Organising and leading a country team
    d) Maintaining a close relationship with users of the country channel
    e) Appointing a Deputy Development Coordinator and delegating responsibilities as required.
    f) Most importantly, a DC must do their best to advertise ScoutLink in their country, and get more users to register on the services
  3. DCs shall have the following authority:
  4. a) Grant Channel Operator status to users in their country/regional channel
    b) Appoint IRC Operators subject to SECTION
    c) Represent ScoutLink at a national level in their Country/Region

DC Term length and elections

  1. DC appointments shall last for 3 years.
  2. The ScoutLink Council appoints a Development Coordinator by majority vote.

DC Removal from office

  1. In the case of resignation of removal from office, Council shall appoint a new DC at the earliest opportunity.

DC End of term of office

  1. DCs completing a term of office and not standing for a further term of office shall be considered for a new position within ScoutLink at the next Council meeting in recognition of their contribution and value to ScoutLink
  2. Council shall be obliged to consider a new position for the retiring DC, however shall not be obliged to offer a new position.


IRC Operators

IRCop responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. IRCops shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Looking after the ScoutLink Network under the supervision and leadership of their CC/RC.
    b) Supporting Channel and Global Operators in removing troublesome users from the network
    c) Maintaining a close chatting relationship with the users of the Country/Regional Channel
  3. IRCops shall have the following authority:
  4. a) Remove and ban (g-line) troublesome users from the ScoutLink network. An email must be sent to the Tech Team with details whenever a g-line is set.
    b) Create and remove temporary channels
    c) Akick a troublesome user from any channel on the network. An email must be sent to the Tech Team with details whenever an akick is set.
    d) The following access: disconnecting, banning and unbanning users from the network, and changing global channel modes. They are also able to view network status.

IRCop Term length and elections

  1. IRCop appointments shall last for 3 years.
  2. CC/RCs may appoint IRCops on their ability to undertake their role
  3. Appointed CC/RCs must fulfil the Eligibility stated in the Elections Section
  4. CC/RCs may elect IRCops. Elections for IRCops shall be conducted as outlined in the Elections Section where:
  5. a) The CC/RC is the Returning Officer
    b) The CC/RC is the Election Organiser
    c) The Electoral List is the list of country/regional mailing list subscribers
    d) IRCop elections must be ratified by Council
  6. IRCops must undertake a relevant training course prior to starting their duties
  7. Elected IRCops must be re-elected in order to serve subsequent terms

Channel Operators

ChanOps responsibilities, duties, and authority

  1. ChanOps shall be responsible for:
  2. a) Looking after their appointed channel on the ScoutLink Network under the supervision and leadership of their CC/RC
    b) Working with IRC and Global Operators to help keep troublesome users from the network
    c) Encouraging and developing conversation and channel identity.
    d) Maintaining a close chatting relationship with the users of their appointed channel, and promoting a good atmosphere
    e) Making sure the channel and ScoutLink rules are complied with
  3. ChanOps shall have the following authority:
  4. a) Kick and ban troublesome users from their appointed channel.

ChanOp Term length and elections

  1. ChanOp appointments shall last for 3 years.
  2. CC/RCs may appoint ChanOps on their abaility to undertake their role
  3. Appointed CC/RCs must fulfil the Eligibility stated in the Elections Section
  4. CC/RCs may elect ChanOps. Elections for ChanOps shall be conducted as outlined in the Elections Section where:
  5. a) The CC/RC is the Returning Officer
    b) The CC/RC is the Election Organiser
    c) The Electoral List is the list of country/regional mailing list subscribers
  6. ChanOps must undertake a relevant training course before prior to starting their duties
  7. Elected ChanOps must be re-elected in order to serve subsequent terms